Visualization of Python's Pseudorandom Function
This is a slight modification of a part of my computer vision homework, so you might see some functions that appear to be unnecessarily complicated.
You will need following Python packages.
from random import randint
from numpy import matrix, empty, uint32
from PIL import Image
def generate_random_spectrum(n):
"""Generates random light spectrum, where n is the number of elements in the row vector."""
return map(lambda x: randint(0, 0xFFFFFF), xrange(n))
def fill_image_buffer(data, data_shape, m):
""" data_shape: Conceptual data array size (h, w)
m: Magnification"""
array = empty((data_shape[1]*m, data_shape[0]*m), uint32)
for i in xrange(data_shape[0]):
for j in xrange(data_shape[1]):
rgb = data[i*data_shape[1] + j]
array[i*m:i*m+m, j*m:j*m+m] = 0xFF000000 + rgb
return array
def save_image(shape, data, filename):
im = Image.frombuffer('RGBA', shape, data, 'raw', 'RGBA', 0, 1)
spectra = generate_random_spectrum(1600)
buf = fill_image_buffer(spectra, (40, 40), 10)
save_image((400, 400), buf, 'random.png')